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We make the home selling process easier.

Selling a house can be a time-consuming process that requires preparation and attention to detail. The following steps can help get a home ready for sale and attract potential buyers.

  1. Examine the Home
    Look at the home from the perspective of a prospective buyer. Evaluate its street appeal and landscaping, and take a tour of the interior while paying attention to details like storage and cleanliness.
  2. Eliminate Clutter
    Clear out clutter and unnecessary items from all areas of the house, including closets and cabinets. Consider selling or donating items that are not being used.
  3. Clean the Home
    After clearing out clutter, thoroughly clean the home from floor to ceiling, inside and out. This includes professional carpet cleaning, power washing, and polishing of floors and furniture.
  4. Make Repairs
    Complete all necessary repairs, including roof patching, painting touch-ups, and plumbing fixes, before listing the home for sale.
  5. Stage the Home
    Stage your home to make it more appealing to potential buyers. This includes opening blinds and turning on lights and ensuring the home is always clean and available for viewing.
  6. Research the Market
    Research comparable homes in the area to get a sense of the market and competition. Make the home feel fresh and uncluttered without necessarily needing to spend a lot of money on new furniture or upgrades.

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